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Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK)

- [28.1. 2025]
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Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 1
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 2
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 3
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 4
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 5
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 6
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 7
Sidiz T50 XL ALPHA/Kancelářská židle @002 (OP 17.100CZK) - 8
Office chair SIDIZ T50 ALFA

Czech production for office spaces

The SIDIZ T50 ALFA office chair is designed to provide the necessary support in the natural position of your body. The ergonomic shaping of the backrest prevents back pain during prolonged sitting. The mesh material of the backrest in black provides airiness, which you will appreciate especially during the summer weather, and naturally follows the curvature of the spine. The wide seat is upholstered in black fabric. The chair has the ability to adjust the backrest tilt, sliding seat, stiffness and lumbar support adjustment. A gas piston is used for adjustment. The swivel chair has a cross base with wheels suitable for all surfaces. Height-adjustable armrests complement the natural position of the body. They can be moved forwards and backwards. The chair is also marked with Braille. The ALFA SIDIZ chair is an ideal solution for both office spaces and home offices. Give your spaces a new charm with Czech tradition.  

Base height: 435 – 525 mm (from the ground)

Armrest height: 170 – 220 mm (from the base)

Backrest height: 970 – 1050 mm (from the ground)

Please check all the photos, we can provide you a headrest for extra cost, please let us know about the can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery for 300kc.




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Lokalita:Mapa110 00 Praha 1


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