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Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc)

- [24.2. 2025]
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Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 1
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 2
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 3
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 4
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 5
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 6
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 7
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 8
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 9
Steelcase please/Kancelářská židle @004 (OP 30.000kc) - 10
Please has become the most popular steelcase office chair in Europe over the last 15 years. It stands for comfort, aesthetics and freedom of movement. Please supports the movements of the spine throughout the day with every change of sitting position. The innovative office swivel chair also facilitates strenuous work that requires sitting for long periods of time, where you have to concentrate hard or work intensively at the computer.


LTC² is a unique, patented synchronised tilting
Mechanism with two separate backrests, where the lumbar and thoracic sections are connected, yet they function independently of each other - just like the upper and lower areas of your spine.
armrests are adjustable in height (11 positions), angle (4 positions) and depth (45 mm range in 6 positions).
Precise and independent adjustments of the two backrest sections guarantee perfect support, even in a reclined position.
Adjustable seat depth allows the chair to adapt to different leg lengths, thus reducing pressure points behind the thighs and knees.

You can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.




722... zobraz číslo

Lokalita:Mapa110 00 Praha 1


16 lidí


6 500 Kč
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