Vitra Meda 2/Meda XL
- [11.3. 2025]Smazat/ Upravit/ Topovat

This is a very high quality Swiss Vitra office chair.
This is an original Vitra brand. The chair is like new - everything is fully functional, minor signs of use. I will sell it for a very reasonable price of 5,900
The chair is ergonomic, very comfortable, made of quality material.
It has above-standard settings, a quality gas piston, with which you can of course adjust the seat height, a rocking system with adjustable resistance to your weight, a breathable backrest in which you do not sweat, adjustment of the seat depth (according to the length of your thigh), fixation of the backrest, lumbar support, 3D armrests with adjustable height and width to the sides. Thanks to the high-quality material and thin lines,
the chair looks very elegant in the space. If interested, personal testing / collection in Prague 2 is possible, or by appointment. Telephone contact listed below
This is an original Vitra brand. The chair is like new - everything is fully functional, minor signs of use. I will sell it for a very reasonable price of 5,900
The chair is ergonomic, very comfortable, made of quality material.
It has above-standard settings, a quality gas piston, with which you can of course adjust the seat height, a rocking system with adjustable resistance to your weight, a breathable backrest in which you do not sweat, adjustment of the seat depth (according to the length of your thigh), fixation of the backrest, lumbar support, 3D armrests with adjustable height and width to the sides. Thanks to the high-quality material and thin lines,
the chair looks very elegant in the space. If interested, personal testing / collection in Prague 2 is possible, or by appointment. Telephone contact listed below
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Kontaktovat emailem může pouze ověřený uživatel.
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Podobné inzeráty

This is a very high quality Swiss Vitra office chair.
This is an original Vitra brand. The chair is like new - everything is fully functional, minor signs of use. I will sell it for a very reasonable price of 5,900
The chair is ergonomic, very ...
6 500 Kč
Praha 2
120 00
120 00
16 x
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Prodám kancelářskou židli Vitra medapro. Jedná se o celosvětově známý model výrobce. Nákupní cena této židle je vysoká. Nabídnu jí za výhodnou cenu 7900,-. Židle je v dobrém stavu. Vyzvednutí Praha 5.
7 900 Kč
Praha 5
150 00
150 00
108 x
Označit špatný inzerát Chybnou kategorii Ohodnotit uživatele Smazat/Upravit/Topovat