Steelcase think V1 /Kancelářská zidle @002 (OP 25.000)
- [16.3. 2025]Smazat/ Upravit/ Topovat

Selling top condition office chair steelcase think 1, what a nice design and comfortable chair for long sitting, adjustable height, backrest, armrests, the seat slides forward and backwards for short and tall people...very nice for home office, and a very good price for such perfect condition...please check all the photos, you can pick it up or we can offer you a delivery.
(Note) the chair is fully functional, the reason why is cheap is that as you can see the specific people of the corners. Rather than that, chair is functional, but you can ask for better chairs, we can help you.
(Note) the chair is fully functional, the reason why is cheap is that as you can see the specific people of the corners. Rather than that, chair is functional, but you can ask for better chairs, we can help you.
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